The kiddos were due to start school today.... And then the great snow storm of 2014 happened (I haven't seen any snow though). Now, school is canceled and delayed the next 2 days. So, I'm looking for some motivation. I had set a goal if being more active ! I needed quiet for a few minutes this morning and I thought why not go for a jog/walk. Keep this in mind- I don't jog or run or well anything.

This is me (on what felt like my death bed ) after that attempt. So again I'm looking for some motivation wooahhh motivation :::aged my self there, right ?:::

So that counts in my book as a step in the right direction. I was active even if it was brief ! And I did it with out making excuses !

I'm working on the 20% because the last 39 lbs came off just using Body By Vi ! I haven't exercised in years. ! But I think it's time and I finally feel like I can !

I am going to print this out and put it on my fridge. And, possibly staple it to my forehead !

And, I'll end on a reminder for days that I don't reach my goals!

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